The series of paintings ‘Transforma’ came to being on my return from Peru, at the end of 2019, where I engaged in healing work with the plants and healers of the Amazon. The connection with the world of plants was a source of wisdom, beauty and love. With plants, we enter other worlds. The series is an invitation to enter these invisible worlds, brimming with life. We are nature, we are world makers. We paint life as we please. While the planet is losing a huge proportion of natural life, I felt called to paint a world filled with flowers and colours, full of energy and wisdom. A world of light that is always part of us yet invisible, both powerful and fragile, familiar and foreign.
The series was inaugurated on the Thank You Plant Medicine Day on 22/02/2020 (#Thankyouplantmedicine) and exhibited at Ceramiq, in Orgiva, along with Vicente Monfort’s ceramic works for a year (2020-2021), it then moved to the Church of San Roman’s aisle gallery in Sevilla for six months (2021)
Medium: linen canvas, acrylics, posca and a touch of watercolour